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电话: 0574-87098559
传真: 0574-87098460
姓名: Luffy
Ningbo Jade Zing-Yuan Metals Industry Co., Ltd.

  Jade Zing-Yuan Metals Industry Co., Ltd. is a sister company of the Chinese famous Jewelry brand CANYIN, which is a manufacturer and master distributor of superior quality, non ferrous,specialty metals and technical service to the manufacturing and fabrication industries, located in a seaport city Ningbo, Eastern China. JZY has earned a reputation for maintaining high performance alloys and specialty metals and the largest inventory of its kind in China. Our products consist of high technology, fine-tooled cast, forged, rolled and drawn Beryllium Copper Alloy, Beryllium Aluminum Alloy, Aluminum Bronze, Phosphor Bronze, Resistance Welding Material, Lead Frame Materials, High Conducti...

主要产品/业务: high performance copper alloys in tubes, rods, plates, strips, etc.

Ningbo Jade Zing-Yuan Metals Industry Co., Ltd. / 浙江 / 宁波吉振源金属工业有限公司 (315012 ) / 电话:0574-87098559

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